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We are continually adding products. Please contact us if you do not see what you are looking for!

American Wood Fibers Premium Hard Wood Pellet Fuel 40# Price Per Ton Is $289 Until August 31

American Wood Fibers Soft Wood Fuel Pellet 40# Price Per Ton Is $315 Until August 31

Cedar Ridge Deluxe Stainless Steel Saucer And Grill Set With 24” Cooking Surface

Rural living involves joys and challenges every season of the year. Gathering around the campfire or grill, maintaining driveways in the ice and snow, and warming your hands by the pellet stove after the fresh out-of-doors—it’s all a part of the package. Oh, and you can’t forget some good old-fashioned sledding. Drop by and check out our seasonal offerings any time of the year.

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