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Fall Bird Feeding Ideas

It’s Fall Bird Feeding Time!

It’s time to start thinking about your backyard friends.

Once the cool weather hits, birds will start looking for food that is easy to get and packed with nutrients. Your bird feeders are great for fall feeding. Birds know exactly where to find them and you control what goes in them.

Ideas for Fall Bird Feeding…

  • Seed Selection… There are many seed types available. The best for fall feeding are those that have a lot of protein and fat. With that in mind, sunflower seed, peanut hearts and safflower seed are the best options for most birds. For many species, especially finches, thistle seed is also a good option. If you opt to buy mixed seed, look for those with high percentages of sunflower seeds, nuts and safflower seeds inside.
  • Suet Cakes… With the right bird feeder, suet cakes can be a valuable addition to your fall bird feeding. This food is not like bird seed. It’s rendered lard mixed with a number of other bird-friendly ingredients that is hardened into a cake-like wedge. Birds can then pick it apart to build up their own fat reserves. While many suet cakes can spoil in warm weather, they’re perfect for fall and winter feeding.
  • Peanut Butter… The easiest DIY bird feeder of them all is always a big hit with birds!

Additional Ideas for Attracting Fall Feeder Birds

  • Water… Have a clean supply of water for birds to use is a huge attractant. You can try a bird waterer or install a bird bath. Whichever you do, make sure to change the water frequently and take steps to keep it from freezing.
  • Ground Feeding… Many bird species prefer to eat on the ground. Accommodate those birds by spreading a small amount of seed underneath your feeders.
  • Leaf Raking and Snow Shoveling… Always try to keep the space under your feeder clear of anything that can hide seed that’s fallen to the ground. A pile of fallen leaves or a heap of snow can be the difference between a bird going hungry and a helpful meal.
  • Keep Feeders Clear… When rain, snow, sleet, and ice, hit your yard, take steps to keep the bird seed in your feeders dry. In snowy weather, brush any accumulations off your feeder. During wet and icy weather, put a limited amount of seed in the feeder until the rough weather passes. Soggy or frozen food can keep birds away.
  • Stay Clean… Keep your feeders clean! All the activity at your feeders can create a breeding ground for bird illnesses. A regular routine of feeder cleaning will really help them through the winter.
  • Nest Boxes… The fall is a great time to clean out bird houses and nest boxes of the bedding placed inside during the breeding season. Pull out all that material and scrub the inside with warm soapy water.

By using these tips on feeding your backyard birds throughout the fall, you can expect to see them throughout the winter too.

Our staff would be happy to help with any questions you might have about bird feeding. Stop in during our normal business hours, call, or email us.

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